[people of interest]

[people of interest] episode one "Tristan Wildey and Druid Vintage"

Beyond the asphalt marketplace where he rules as King Druid, Tristan Wildey is the lead guitarist in the central coast rock outfit Pancho and the Wizards.

Pancho’s psychic sounds and garage rifs draw from similar pools of inspiration as Druid Vintage; even the names are similar. But more importantly, both encapsulate the persona that is Tristan Wildey. Rad, inspired, ceaselessly curious, and wildly interesting to listen to.

Wildey’s room, like an image from iSpy, is this personality manifested in the shape of nic-nacs and antiques. “I guess I am naturally inclined to hoard things,”Wildey said, “but if you keep things moving, you can own more things over time.”

Thus, every first Sunday of the month Wildey packs these items up and hauls it down to the Rose Bowl swap meet. This is a day in the life of Tristan Wildey, a person of great interest.

Featuring Tristan Wildey

Directed, shot, and edited by Sean Galusha


Implosion Explosion by Colleen

Day One Two by F.S. Blumm and Nils Frahm

Balabaristas by Tristeza

Journalists Note: This is the first episode in a longer series I would like to continue making. I am unsure when the next one will come out, though hopefully it is soon, and how long this series will last. Nonetheless, I am very keen to continue sharing the stories of interesting people and I hope you enjoy this video.